
Compilations out the yazoo.........


Must be that time again. About once a year I get a very bad itch. Things start to spin & I get dizzy. The walls close in & the sky falls down & my legs feel like rubber & I hear in my head a screaming voice over & over & over again.......... "I NEED MORE MUSIC!!!!!" This time around I am in hyper-focus mode about compilations....... It started off getting those most fab collections called "Rubble" that fed the fire & spun me into my latest decent into obsession. Thankfully (as not always the case) there has been a bevy of wonderful psychedelic/garage rock collections out there simply for the taking. As you have previously read I am a huge fan of the "Rubble" series. It is the first place I was able to collect some of The Whimple Winch tracks so I look upon them fondly. This time around I was able to snag more major coups w/ the "Pebbles" series. Over the years of collecting I have managed to acquire the first couple of discs. (As w/ the Rubble series previously mentioned). But my obsession requires that I get a whole catalog all at once.(Whether artist or group or series......) That way I can delve headlong into it w/out interruption or be forced to wait patiently until I can score my next fix. So I never really sat down & digested the music or info contained within those hallowed pieces of plastic & paper because I knew that once done I would have to display a certain level of maturity that I simply do not have. The Rubble series was a huge score as I got all 20 finally after years of searchin' 'round........ but that just fanned the flames & I just couldn't leave well enough alone. I had to have more.......... & more is what I got! There are 28 discs in the Pebbles series so I should be occupied for quite a while. This collection has rare, unreleased & obscure goodies ranging from just plain odd to focusing on regional hits of the US to going overseas & finding garage rock rarities these discs cover a good chunk of must have music. The sound is raw...... but a good raw as these tracks are transfered from old 45's. It sounds to me as minimal re-mastering has been applied & maybe some click & hiss removal. If so then kudos to whoever did the transfers as they sound glorious!

Adjeef The Poet - Leek, I'm A Freak.mp3
Elastic Band - Spazz.mp3
Green Fuzz - Green Fuzz.mp3
Higher Elevation - The Diamond Mine.mp3
Kim Foley - The Trip.mp3

The artwork is not slouching either.


The first ten in the series were issued on the BFD Records label. (Big Fuckin' Deal.)
The rest were issued on AIP. (Archive International Productions.) The BFD discs have more odd songs while the AIP's have the bulk of the garage rock selections. I do prefer the BFD's myself but there are many gems to be found throughout the series. Volume 1 originally came out on Mastercharge Records (my guess is that's how they paid for it......) & is now a pretty collectible LP in some circles. Greg Shaw is rumored to have played a hand it this LP's creation & as his A.I.P. label issued the later re-issues I would say that this is a sure bet. If you do not know the name Greg Shaw then you should read "Bomp: Saving The World One Record At A Time".


This is a very nice overview of Bomp Records. They are responsible for some of the coolest & most comprehensive LP's & CD's out on the market today. Known for their rock releases they do venture off that path occasionally. (They were the first to issue Spacemen 3 - Playing With Fire in the states.) Written about Greg posthumously by his ex-wife Suzy Shaw & ex-Deviants frontman & current Sci-Fi writer Mick Farren. (Who also wrote songs for bands like Hawkwind [Lost Johnny] & taught classes at UCLA). Suzy has a nice style that remains friendly & nostalgic all the way to the end. Like listening to an old friend. Now Mick on the other hand......... he's got a style all his own. Not a big fan of his later vampire books but absolutely love the D.N.A. Cowboys series. Get "Bomp".......... get Mick's stuff................... all of it is worth reading. (Over & over & over...............)

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