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From what I saw it looked like a decent community........they were not particularly friendly........ but they were not downright mean either. They kinda just kept to themselves.............shared discs............& made the occasional comment or 2. They were not real descriptive about what was posted nor was there too much information or discussion about bands. Just discs........oodles & oodles of discs. From newer retro-psyche to the most obscure singles. Post after post after post of link after link after link. Pages & pages of links.......... Their selection of Progressive looked very cool as did whoever posted "English Psychedelia: A - Z." 26 - 1 hour discs starting w/ "A" & ending in "Z". Unfortunately no other info was given except Artist & Title. I wish I knew who posted these as I bet there would be a killer of a conversation to have about these............ I actually do not know some of the artists/groups on these! (Ego is alive & healthy obviously!)
In the long run will they be missed? Yes. Are there sites w/ the same things available? Some things..... but a lot of this was truly unique. Will they find a way to return to the land of forums? Probably............& the sooner the better.......... I need to post questions......... tons & tons of questions.............
As I post my last blog I received a message from the owner of It's Psyche. Jon is the chaps name & he seems quite the friendly bloke. Going as far as extending a personal invitation to join in his "little Technicolor community any time you want. :)" Hopefully Jon will be able to continue his endeavors unhampered elsewhere.......... & if he does ......... I think I shall join in. Like I looked very cool....... maybe I can talk someone's ear off there......... who knows?
ReplyDeleteHope to see you there. You'll soon find out just what a nice bunch we really are! :)
Oh, and by the way - It's invite only now, so if you just leave a little message in the box when you register telling me who you are then I'll let you in. Cheers!